JOin Corinthians
Now recruiting
Our new u7/8 girls team are currently looking for players to enter a team in the girls Hertfordshire Girls freindly League 5 -a-side Football (from January) . Our u7 mixed Sunday league team who will play 5aside in the West Herts Youth League are also looking for more players. U8's now have space for 1 more experienced player. U11's who have two teams and play in West Herts League on Sundays have spaces few new players. Other teams may have spaces, please contact us to find out more...
Fees & Subs
U7 and up
£168 sibling discount additional child playing at 7+ age group
U6 mini soccer
How to pay
All payments to be made via the The FA MatchDay App.
Where does the money go?
Player membership helps the club provide FA Charter Standard facilities including:
Winter training venue hire
Coaching sessions (FA level 1 or above qualified coach)
Training and match kit. Note that this remains the property of the club and should be handed in at the end of the season for re-distribution, in order to keep the membership fees low.
Training and match day equipment
Weekend match fees, where appropriate
Pitch maintainance and club facilities
Up to two summer tournament entrance fees per team. Additional tournaments maybe subject to paying an additional fee.
Training and match kits are included in the membership fees. All kit remains the property of the club and will need to be returned to the team manager at the end of the season. Where kit can be re-used it will be re-distributed to players in the next season. Kit which is worn out is recycled via the KitAid charity.
All kit requests are co-ordinated via individual team managers.
Red T-shirt (training)
¾ zip training jumper
Black with red stripe shorts
Red and black hoop socks
Red and black stripe T-shirt (match shirt with number)
Additional kit for purchase
Additional kit items can be purchased at own cost. Orders should be placed via your team manager:
Rain jacket full zip - £20
Training sessions and match day kit
Some kit is mandatory for training and games:
Provided by club
Long socks that fully cover shin guards
Match / training T-shirt
Provided by player
Football boots (Astro boots or trainers may be needed depending on surface)
Shin guards
Players must not wear anything that may cause injury to others such as jewellry and watches etc.
Please do take into account the weather conditions and ensure that your child is suitably equipped:
They should always have a rainproof lightweight sports top, certainly for training
When it is really cold ‘skins’, tops and bottoms (black in colour), a wooly hat, gloves and tracksuit bottoms. They will make all the difference, however, avoid over dressing as they will start to overheat once they get going. In any case they must have sufficiently warm clothing in case they have to sit out for any reason
You must ensure your child attends training and match days with sufficient drink. Drinks should not be fizzy; diluted juice or water are good and will encourage the child to drink. Some children have a low tolerance of being thirsty and will soon start to have a miserable time if they are dehydrated
If you wish to avoid the inside of your car resembling a football pitch, trainers and tracksuit bottoms to change into after training / matches are a good idea.